Friday, May 28, 2010


A few months back Brandon sent away to become part of the Lego Club.
And he has checked the mailbox everyday waiting patiently for his first magazine.

Yesterday it came.

In the magazine was a website that you could visit,
where you could crack secret Lego codes to enter
secret Lego worlds.

Pretty captivating for a 8 year old, let me tell you.

I told him he could go on the computer after dinner- 
(we aren't big on the kids being on the computer here...I'm afraid some frightening pop up ad will appear and scar my child for life) needless to say, he ate his dinner REALLY fast.

He sat at the computer.
Typed in the web address.

And in order to enter the website you needed a 
user name & password.

He thought this was the secret code he had to break.

He entered every combination imaginable of his first and last name...
only to get a message saying:
"User name does not exist."

After patiently working on this for an hour,
he finally asks his dad 
(who let me tell you knows nothing about computers)...

"Dad, tell me something that EXISTS?"

Kyle replies, "I don't know, a TV?"

Luckily, I walked in the room and told him he had to create an account in order for his username to exist! 

Sounds like a good joke...

"how many people does it take to enter a username..." 


lauren ♥ said...

hahaha, this made me laugh out loud! seriously, highlight of my day so far :)

Kelly Tidwell said...

reminds me of Ralphy in the Christmas story when he got his Olvaltine secret code thingy! toooo funny1

The Lily Gardens said...

Thats so funny! Brandon is the best!