Monday, April 27, 2009

Old Wives Tales

So why is it when you get pregnant you start reading and listening to old wives tales?

No other time in my life have I ever sat down and googled such a thing!
Except for when you have a bun in the oven.

Waiting to find out the gender of "3", is a rather daunting task.
And I am a impatient mama.
Which I'm sure you can all relate too!

So to ease my impatience...

I decided to try the Chinese Gender Prediction Calender....

It goes by your age (which is 28) and the month our baby was conceived (February)...

and if the results are correct we would be having a baby girl!
(the husband refuses to believe such a thing...but a girl's gotta hope)

So friends...when you were pregnant did you try this? And did it work for you?

I'd like to know what my chances are here!



Moon & Little said...

I never tried this, but you better believe I will next time. I think we are going to try in March!

How many more weeks until you really find out? You better call me when you do! xoxo <3

I was just at the mall today looking at all the cute girly clothes for bebe's ...

Frates Baby Farm said...

Did you know that many of the "old wives" were Midwives? :) But I don't consider myself an "old wife" just yet...
Mandy and I also did the Draino test and it proved accurate with both of us. Also, pay attention to your cravings, usually salty/sour for boys and sweety for girls. This was VERY accurate for all of my kiddos. Love you!

Angi said...

Mine was right!!!!! Good luck!!!

Marshman Family Album said...

I totally did and it came out right! It said Boy and I got a boy.... good luck lady!

Amanda said...

I'm here to confirm...the prediction was correct with both my monkeys.