Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Guns & Snowflakes

Tonight we made homemade hot cocoa & homemade donuts with raspberry dip...
They were so good.
Ayden was embarrassed that I made him wear an apron.

What can I say...I don't have a girl,
so I've gotta sneak in something girly every once in awhile.
You can't blame me for trying, right?
We then decided we were going to make snowflakes for our window...
but that soon became a DIY class on how to cut snowflake shaped guns & paper airplanes.

"We can't have gun shaped snowflakes," I say.
(but really in our neighborhood that probably wouldn't be out of the ordinary!)
But with my boys EVERYTHING is a gun.
Bread, sticks, chicken nuggets, toilet paper name it.
Celebrating Xmas with a household of boys
full of testosterone has it's perks.

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