Thursday, September 24, 2009

Top 5


1) Ayden told his dad last night to "warm him up" instead of "tuck me in."

2) Brandon gave me a huge hug this morning because he had a dream that I cut off my hands and fed them to his turtle.

He asked me never to do that...

and I promised.

3) My husband came home with a new Bible for Brandon and decided we are going to do a family Bible study every night.

I don't think I could have loved him anymore at that moment.

He's pretty amazing!

4) Found the perfect pair of boots at Ross for $16!

Fall please come soon...

5) Finished all my "projects" for Lucas!

Now we just need Lucas to get here!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Baby Love

There is nothing like a lil' baby love to make a Sunday worth it!

He doesn't know what he's in for....

She means business...!

Last time we were all together...we were all pregnant.
Now it's just me.

Being with them yesterday and seeing their babies and the beautiful mamas that they are,
has me really excited to see this baby boy that I've been building for the last 8 months!

Friday, September 18, 2009


This week flew by!

I can't believe it's already Friday.

Here I am hanging with my 2 boys watching Star Wars, eating a chocolate Skinny Cow.

You know.... life necessities!

have a beautiful weekend.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Well, I lost my day job.

But what most fear, I am so thankful for.

I have been released back to where my heart belonged:

to my home.

I came home that morning looked all around me and felt so good.

I started laundry.

Put away what lil' items I had from my office.

And swept the floor.

Tasks I usually tried to fit in between baths, homework or dinner...

now became the highlight of my day!

I swept with a smile.

Relishing in my days ahead and knowing that I am home with my boys, loving them, playing with them & nurturing them.

Then I heard from the bathroom....

"Mommmmm.....wipe my butt!"

It's so good to be home.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Riley's Farm

Kyle played a ton of shows over the long labor day weekend, which most of them I missed because I was at home sick. Boo.

But we did venture out for his show at Riley's Farm in Oak Glen.

It was such a beautiful day.

We picked raspberries...just me & him.

During our adventure, Ayden found a couple of lonely donkeys.
and they became friends.

He has such a compassionate heart for animals.

I really love that about him!

He had his own photo shoot...they weren't shy.

(these were all taken by Ayden)


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Mill Creek Boys

My husband & the Mill Creek Boys at the Fox Theater.

It was so hot in that building.
but they definitely stole the show.
They are so fun to watch.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Happy Birthday Husband!
I know you're sick.
And you have a show tonight...
but I promise I'll make you "real" spaghetti for dinner.
With real meat & white (not wheat) noodles...topped with sprinkle cheese!
Just the way you like it!

Soccer & Smoke

Brandon had his first official day of soccer yesterday.
This is what it looked like on the way up to practice.

His team name is the "Slime Monsters!"

The practice was cut short because of the smoke.
We didn't mind.
Our eyes were watering & throats hurt.